Rain – Evapotranspiration = mm Water

“Eeee-VAP-oooo-TRANS-PURR-ation,” I savor the word as I release it into our conversation. I’m still at the party with Marsha and Bob. We’re trying to determine why anyone (such as me) would want to use R on their Raspberry Pi.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

“Big word,” says Bob. “What’s it mean?”

“Water evaporation from the earth and transpiration from plants,” I respond. “It’s a sum of the water escaping from my irrigation system. Look it up on Wikipedia.”

Marsha interrupts grumpy Bob; “So – That means, um…desired amount of water – rainfall + evapotranspiration equals the amount of water your irrigation system needs to supply.”

“Precisely,” I agree. “Until I found out about evapotranspiration, I was unsure how to account for temperature. I knew hot days would require more water because of increased evaporation; but was stumped how to translate temperature into increased inches of necessary water.”

“Never heard of it,” says Bob.

“Me neither,” I agree. “Evapotranspiration is handy, but doesn’t show up in all weather forecasts. Open-Meteo makes it available.”

“Say you’ve got seven days worth of this miracle number,” says Bob. “What does the R code look like?”

Continue reading Rain – Evapotranspiration = mm Water

Boat Lines

If you’ve spent significant time around boats, you develop an appreciation for the lines of a boat. I’ve shown the canoe to a lot of people, and at some point, people who know boats will walk to the bow, squat, close one eye, and sight along the keel. They assess the line from bow to stern—is it straight?

Wood strip canoes start with a strongback, a sturdy spine and stations to form the shape. If the strong back isn’t straight, then the lines of the boat will be off. 

Matthew built the strongback and laid the first strips at the Benson high school wood shop in 2013. He took pictures of his work, and it’s easy to see why the canoe looks like it does.

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Party Buzz Kill: Data Storage

I’m at this party where Bob and Marsha and I are discussing the best languages for programming a Raspberry Pi. Bob advocates for Python, Marsha is a devout student of C. I’m defending my use of R. After all, Raspberry Pi starts with R. We have chased all the other guests out of the room with our conversation.

“With R, I have all sorts of built-in data management,” I say. “Manipulating matrices is in R’s basic DNA.”

Steve wanders in from the other room and joins our conversation. “Matrices aren’t a proper data strategy. You should be using a database. You can run SQLite on a Raspberry Pi with hardly any effort.”

Bob and Marsha simultaneously turn to stare me down. They are curious about how I’m going to get around this supposition.

“Sure. SQL with R–in particular SQLite, would have been easy to implement,” I pontificate. “Just call up RSQLite, push a few buttons, and Bob’s Your Uncle.”

“And that’s not what you did?” Steve is incredulous.

“I store the R object on disk and pull it into memory when I need it.”

“What kind of knucklehead stores data as a file on disk?”

Continue reading Party Buzz Kill: Data Storage

R Waters My Garden

I’m at a party, and the topic of programming languages comes up. A quarter of the room politely leaves, another half rudely leaves, and the remaining three people banter about the proper language for a certain project. Bob, Marsha, and I have the room to ourselves.

Tonight we’re talking microcontrollers: Arduino or Raspberry Pi. We like to connect things and aren’t afraid to release the magic white smoke with an ill-advised application of excess voltage. Bob assumes programming is done with micropython. Marsha prefers C.

“I use R to water my garden,” I say. “Yep, I installed R on a Raspberry Pi and use it to turn the water valves on and off.”

Continue reading R Waters My Garden

Booaat Camp

Before we go any further, That’s not a typo; that’s the way I pronounce the word “Boat.” I’m from Minnesoota, where all double vowels have an elongated pronunciation. Think of saying “ooooh!” like you just ate the best nooodles. So this week we’ve been in “Boat camp” although it might sound like “Boooot Camp.”

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The Church of the Wood Boat

This morning, we gather at The Chapel of Carpentry and Canoes for Sunday services. We’ll follow the Presbyterian Order of Worship. If we were to celebrate a Catholic Mass, we’d have to drink wine, a bad idea when using table saws and power tools.

Matthew has given up sawdust for lent so he chose to wander the city of Port Townsend. He will return to New York later today and is trying to remain vapor and sawdust free for the sake of his fellow passengers.

Janell, Rich, and I get breakfast at home then head to the boat shop. We avoid driving by the bakery in a vain glorious show of self-control.

Continue reading The Church of the Wood Boat

Tiny Bubbles

All endeavors have a beauty…


…a disappointment

Our canoe is no different.

We admire the beauty of the canoe every morning. The cedar strips form lines from the bow to the stern, pulling the eye along the shape of the boat. Isn’t admiring the beauty of a boat the best part of a boat? Why would anyone create a canoe that didn’t have beauty?

This morning, we dread looking inside the canoe. Last night was an epoxy disaster, and we did our best to remove the bubbles and air pockets before leaving for the evening. Our concern is justified–there are myriad tiny bubbles rising from the epoxy and some of them have collected as air pockets under the fiberglass. If we can fix it, we will have to do considerable sanding and discover why the air pockets formed so we don’t repeat our faulty technique.

Continue reading Tiny Bubbles

A Sense of Place

Crappy writing tells you what is happening. Good writing provides you with mental images. Great writing provides you with a sense of being in a place. So…what’s it like to be in this boat shop in Port Townsend?

We are staying at an AirBnB just outside of Port Townsend. It’s comfortable, has showers, and provides a magnificent view of the Olympic mountains. Every morning, we cook a simple breakfast, make coffee, and hop in the car. Matthew wanted to take his rental vehicle, but we insisted he would miss singing camp songs in the car, so he rides with us.

Continue reading A Sense of Place

Pi Day

Those of us building boats agree March 14th is Pi day. 3/14 (March 14) is the first three digits of pi (3.14). A bar here in Port Townsend will give you a 15% discount if you can recite pi to fifteen digits (3.141592653589793). This seems like a lot to memorize, but it’s only three zip code numbers — or one and one-half phone numbers. If you had the motivation to memorize it, you could do it.

There are various ways to celebrate. The Raspberry Pi Foundation often makes major product announcements. Our tradition is to eat pie. Have a slice.

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