Where You Purchase a Book Makes a Difference

I loved going to bookstores with my dad. We often found ourselves in the mall waiting for my sisters and mom to finish shopping. B. Dalton bookseller displayed rows of books we could browse. The covers exploded with action and color, at least in the science fiction section, where I would squat down on the floor with the laser beams and rocket ships.

We only bought books from B.Dalton, unless we checked them out from the library. Those were our options. Oh – but now, there is a plethora of choices, not only where you buy books but also in the formats available; ebooks and audiobooks weren’t commonly available.

Amazon’s disruption of booksellers also changed how authors are paid. The supply chain that provided books to B. Dalton provided authors with a standard percentage of sales; there was little fluctuation. Today, the route from author to buyer is legion, and each come with differing payment levels to authors.

You may not know it yet, but where you buy a book makes a difference to your favorite authors.

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The Canoe is not a Coffee Table

We are showing the canoe at the Westminster Presbyterian Church Art Show. Why not? It is fine furniture – maybe even sculpture. During the opening show, a friend asked about the boat.

“It’s beautiful,” they said. “Does it float?”

I consider the question for a minute. Snarky me wants to answer, “Why no, we just use it for guacamole at football games.1” But I resist.

“Yep,” I replied with a smile. “It floats.”

Continue reading The Canoe is not a Coffee Table

New Band, New Gig

David Hutchinson, Don Barnes, and Mark Niemann-Ross

For years, I’ve played sax + bass duets with my friend Don Barnes. Covid and health issues sadly put an end to that gig. I miss Don and I missed playing music.

At almost exactly the moment that door closed, David Hutchinson asked if I would join a quartet: Randy Nims on trombone, Tyler Higley on guitar, David on saxophone and myself on bass. And we have an upcoming performance.

What: Westminster Presbyterian Church Gala and Art Show
When: February 21, 2025 7 pm to 9 pm
Where: 1624 NE Hancock, Portland, OR 97212
Continue reading New Band, New Gig

Music with Maddy

I love music. It’s a challenge. It’s a reward. I study it so I can perform it. It amuses me.

I hate music. It always wants more of me. I’ll never master it. I perform it, but it frustrates me.

The best part of music is sharing that musical conversation with musical (and non-musical) friends. That’s why you should meet Maddy Ross.

When: March 19th, 6 to 8 pm

Where: NASO wine bar. 1744 SE Hawthorne

Maddy Ross (vocals)
Kathy James (keyboard)
Stu Fessant (Saxophone)
Mark Niemann-Ross (bass)

add this event to my calendar

Here's a poster you can put in your window!

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Key Ideas from My Favorite Mother-In-Law

I’m preparing to submit My Favorite Mother-In-Law to the Portland Book Festival. They ask for a media kit and I’m told to include five key points about the book. It’s a document used to spark questions during an interview.

This gives me a chance to look back at the book, the process, Greta, and my imaginary friends. Perhaps you’ll enjoy an early look at these five points…

Continue reading Key Ideas from My Favorite Mother-In-Law

Your New Skin on Frame Kayak?

Modern kayaks use a variety of materials and construction techniques: kevlar, fiberglass, and plastic are the most common. But before all this, people built kayaks from skin stretched over wood frames. We lovingly call these “skin on frame” even though we use nylon instead of skin. Not as messy as killing a seal and tanning its hide.

OOPS, the kayak club I belong to, received a donation of a lovely 16’ skin-on-frame boat, which we will auction off at our Jan 29 Open House.

Continue reading Your New Skin on Frame Kayak?

My Favorite Mother In Law appears in the Library

It’s delightful to be validated for your writing.

The Multnomah County Public Library (My Library!) just informed me they are adding My Favorite Mother-In-Law to their collection as part of the Library Writers Project. They had sixty submissions and told me I was a standout!

This makes My Favorite Mother-In-Law available via the Libby app to all of Multnomah County. 80,000 readers. Wow!

Do you live in Multnomah County, Oregon? You can borrow the book from your library branch.

Don’t live in Oregon? Send a suggestion to your library that you’d like them to pick this book up for their collection. It’s available via Overdrive which is where most libraries acquire electronic books.

Can’t convince your library. You could always just buy a copy of your own.

Yay me!

Pantser or Plotter?

I was a pantser when I wrote Stupid Machine (and My Favorite Mother In Law, and Hot Meal, and Do-Ye0n Performs a Cost-Benefit Analysis on a Career Based on Questionable Activities ). I started off with a rough, unwritten outline, then hammered out words. I let the characters lead the story, amping up the action whenever things became dull.

Continue reading Pantser or Plotter?

Disruptive Refrigerator

I’m vastly disappointed with refrigerator manufacturers. They just aren’t learning the lesson that nearly killed Kodak.

Kodak considered themselves in competition with Nikon, never realizing Apple or Google would put them out of business.

Apple changed the telephone from a lowly desktop feature into a pocket computer encompassing a camera, contacts, calendar, and funny-video sharing device. Kodak never saw them coming. Kodak never even thought to look in that direction.

Kodak isn’t the only one. With internet streaming, VCRs became obsolete. Main frame computers took a hit from desktop and laptops. Operating a slide rule is a party trick to impress your friends.

It’s called disruptive technology. It’s the boogeyman of any company selling a product, and it’s where I write science fiction.

Writing science fiction gives me a vehicle to stretch my imagination. The stories I write start with common places and things, then I extrapolate them out to the future.

In Stupid Machine I wrote a murder mystery about refrigerators. Thusly, I have a lot of interest in refrigerators. It’s why I’m disappointed.

Continue reading Disruptive Refrigerator

Knowing a Boat

Janell and I cherished the hundreds of steps adding up to the finished whole of our wood strip canoe. The result is a piece of finely crafted furniture like what you won’t find at Ikea. It is handsome to look at.

But…a canoe isn’t just for looks. A canoe moves through water. How a canoe moves results from its shape, and the shape of a canoe results from compromises. Short boats turn quickly. Long boats go fast. Some boats are tippy, some are stable. You can spend a lot of time designing a perfect boat, but you really don’t know what you’ve got until it’s built.

Here’s an example; There’s a distressing story about a Scout troop that built boats out of PVC pipe and tyvek. They assumed a canoe only has to look like a canoe for it to behave like a canoe. They launched on a multi-day, down-river camping trip.

Within three hours, rescue teams retrieved everyone on the trip, minus boats.

Boat design is hard. There are lots of ways to screw it up and produce a useless canoe. It can look great, but….

Proper Party Etiquette

I have more opinions about canoes than most people want to hear. Like other topics I don’t discuss at parties, the pros and cons of canoe performance are something I avoid in mixed company. If you can’t see the obvious problems in the photo to the right, we’re better off discussing the appetizers than river keels versus lake keels and why ABS is better than aluminum.

I have friends that discuss trucks. V8 vs V6, F150 vs F250, Ford vs Chevy vs GMC. I’m trying, really trying, to educate myself so I can take part in these bar discussions. But I lose focus then order more deep-fried cheese curds. I assume it’s the same problem people have with me when I pontificate about the Zen of paddling.

So forgive me for this self-indulgent posting. I’ll try to keep it interesting.

Four Days, Three Nights

As we built the canoe, we had clues about performance. This canoe was exceptional, but to really know we had to spend some time with it on the water.

Janell and I took the boat on a Willamette River trip from Eugene to Buena Vista. Seventy-five miles, four days, three nights. We carried three Duluth packs (equipment and two personals), a cooler (because we don’t have to portage), a camp kitchen (because it’s cool and we can), and a food pack with way too much food (because who wants to starve?)

Paddling Fast Water

Near Eugene, the Willamette is pushy and a rock garden with submerged trees providing ample opportunities to drown inner-tubers without lifejackets. It’s level two whitewater; a boring paddle for short play boats. A play boat with lots of rocker and no keel behaves like a Border Collie at a sheep herding competition, sponsored by the ADHD foundation and catered by Black Death coffee Brewers. Navigating a loaded seventeen-foot canoe requires planning ahead.

In a lake, you point the bow where you want to go, then paddle. Simple. But “Point and paddle” on a river doesn’t work. On a river, you must understand how the current is moving in relation to an obstruction, set the angle of the boat, and work together (bow and stern). It’s disconcerting to come down river broadside to a tree stump. But that’s the correct line; at the right time, bow and stern dig in, and the canoe slips past the big ugly. Fast water paddling involves strategic placement and paddling bursts.

Our canoe has no keel, and it willingly pivots around the center point. Janell and I made more than one last-minute decision to go in a different direction, and the canoe cooperated.

At one bridge just upstream from Harrisburg, a large snag of trees had piled up in front of a pier (decorated with abandoned inner tubes from previous failed attempts). We planned to go to the right of the blockage, but as we got closer, we saw a gravel bar blocked the right channel. We had no choice other than to swing left and thread our way along with a majority of the current. The canoe was fine with the change in plans; we set a line and encouraged the move with a few strokes. No muss, no fuss.

Don’t get the impression everything was water under the boat. We ran over a few gravel bars and went over an unexpected ledge. The canoe has some scratches, and I have to make some repairs. But it’s still waterproof, the shape of the boat held together, and there are no alarming cracks.

Paddling Flat Water, of a sort

Past Norwood Island, the Willamette River settles down. It still flows at 5 knots, but no longer presents as many snags and gravel strainers. My notes describe it as “pastoral.”

We were now in slow water, much more like paddling in a lake. It’s contemplative and soothing. Look up “movement meditation” for a clinical description of what happens when you paddle with a well-matched partner. Janell and I can paddle all day without switching sides. I’m not exaggerating.

Of course, the boat you are in has a lot of influence. Longer boats, or something with a keel, will want to go straight. Maintaining a line requires nothing more than minor corrections and matching the stern and bow’s strength and pace.

I don’t understand why, but this boat is easy to keep in a straight line. It’s fast, and it goes where you want; straight or turn. We’ve tried to find the designer and to ask them questions; so far, no luck and we can only guess at the design compromises.

Old Town, Seliga, Northstar, Grumman.

I’ve paddled a fair number of canoes. Eighteen-foot Chestnut wood and canvas canoes with lake keels are the freighters of the north woods. Challenging to flip and portage, they lumber along with persistence. Landing requires planning; they will happily plow forward into granite rocks unless you have a preliminary conversation about slowing down and eventually stopping. Turning is just not an option.

On the other end of the canoe continuum is a sixteen-foot (or seventeen-foot) ABS Old Town Tripper with no keel. I took a sixty-day trip in the Northwest Territories with three seventeen-foot Old Town ABS boats. We had lots of gear, and lots of whitewater. It’s different than a twelve-foot whitewater play boat – but it was perfectly willing to stop, back-up, turn, and push through a standing wave.

In between are lots of other boats. Seligas (17-foot wood and canvas) are sturdy (heavy) and have good momentum. Grumman aluminum boats are noisy, heavy, durable, and traditional. I hope I never have to paddle one again. Northstar makes a great kevlar boat, Wenonah makes a light-weight boat with saddles; I never liked them.


Alas, I am doing that which I promised to avoid. There are a few individuals who would read an article about canoe shapes. But here’s the deal; this canoe is a manifestation of our relationship; Janell and I have worked hard at being a couple. Our relationship has imperfections, but we continue to delight in our journey together.

Try this; re-read this story, substituting “Mark and Janell” in place of “canoe.”

No wonder I cherish the hundreds of steps adding up to the finished whole of our “wood strip canoe.”